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Grandpa’s “Cesar’s Recruit Asia” Experience - Short Version (My First Lesson In Dog Training, My First Training Case In My Life, Dog Training Ain’t To Train The Dog Only But Humans Engagement Also) . In 2016, Me & 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷 were selling our story book on the street, meanwhile, I shared a lot of my Dog Training Knowledge & Animal Messages to whoever we met everyday. Heard from our neighbor one day, Cesar was handling a dog training competition in Asia, can’t agree more that’s a great chance to learn something there. . The competition was about to look for people they don’t work in dog training field but knew a bit how to maintain dogs as an apprentice to learn training dogs here(I just found actually apart from me, they’re all professionals 😂). I sent the application, and soon the producer flied to HK to interview us, luckily I was the only one being recruited from HK eventually. . Indeed, I did not study dog training, neither heard the name Cesar that much before I applied. Thus, I started watching Cesar’s videos on YouTube for 2 weeks before competition, and I spent few days to try to train my pack to walk by my side since they were always walking in my front previously lol! . During the filming days, I was too nervous, I focused too much on dog training but neglected the importance of Human Communication. I made new friends there, I learnt a lot from Cheri and Cesar. After the competition, I started training dogs for some families for free and got those cases filmed and posted. Besides, getting inspired by the competition, I then started organizing my Dog Training Philosophies & Multi-Perspective Logical Thinkings step by step. I train dogs, I may help few families. In the case I focus on the source of the problem-Humans, what if dog owners/public they get inspired from my messages, they may pay more attention to their dogs’ behaviors, then they might not have a he/she bite as a consequence. Via my shares to people we meet everyday on street and social media posts, we hope to change Humans associations dogs, I hope 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷 could speak for other dogs, in order to achieve the ultimate goal: “Social Harmony in between Humans & Dogs, and Humans among Humans”. . Thank Cesar & Cheri very much again for all the training knowledge taught! Nice meeting U my Little Mary & crew, see U all again soon! . #WE5 #Shibaland #Shibainus #shibas #ShibaGang #GrandpaDogTraining #Grandpa狗噏 #DogTraining #OldTownCentral #MutualRespect #🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷 #WE5ShibaFamily #舊城中環 #多尊重少包容 #互相尊重 #文明旅遊 #柴犬 #多頭飼 #ShibaFamily #ShibaLove #ShibaGram #DiscoverHongKong #shiba_snap #DogsofInstagram #DogPhotography #GrandpaPhotoGraphy #SonyA6000 #LoveWillKeepUsTogether #只要不投降就是成功 #不要棄養

Grandpa’s “Cesar’s Recruit Asia” Experience - Shor...